Tham khảo Ground Crew Project

  • Daniels, Ted (1999) A doomsday reader: prophets, predictors and hucksters of salvation, New York University Press, ISBN 0-8147-1909-0
  • Gruenschloss, Andreas “When we enter into my father’s spacecraft: cargoistic hopes and millenarian cosmologies in new religious UFO movements” in Lewis, James R. (ed.) (2003) Encyclopedic sourcebook of UFO religions Prometheus: New York, ISBN 1-57392-964-6, Chapter 1, pp17–42
  • Helland, Christopher "Ground Crew/Planetary Activation Organisation" in James R. Lewis (ed.) (2000) UFOs and popular culture: an encyclopedia of contemporary mythology, ABC-CLIO: Santa Barbara, ISBN 1-57607-265-7, pp140–142
  • Lamy, Philip "Planetary Activation Organisation" in Landes, Richard (ed.) (2000) Encyclopedia of millennialism and millennial movements, Routledge: New York, ISBN 0-415-92246-1, pp560–1
  • Palmer, Susan and Christopher Helland, “UFO religions online: prophetic failures and the narrative techniques of the Ground Crew” in Lewis, James R. (ed.) (2003) Encyclopedic sourcebook of UFO religions Prometheus: New York, ISBN 1-57392-964-6, Chapter 17, pp331–346
  • Trompf, Garry W. "UFO religions and cargo cults" in Partridge, Christopher (2003) UFO religions, Routledge, ISBN 0-41526324-7, Chapter 11, pp221–238
  • Tumminia, Diana (2007) Alien worlds: sacred and religious dimensions of extraterrestrial contact, Syracuse University Press, ISBN 978-0815608585
  • Wojcik, Daniel “Apocalyptic and millenarian science” in Partridge, Christopher (ed.) (2003) UFO religions, Routledge: London, ISBN 0-415-26324-7, Chapter 14, pp274–300